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images in Next-Gen format & Big homepage width

  • Hello,
    I have 2 problems with my website using generate press:
    The width of the homepage is a little bit big ( although the width container is set to 1200 and the block alignment of the containers in the elements are set to : FULL:
    I’m using Imagify, but when I tried to convert to convert to WEBP and Display images in Next-Gen format on the site using ‘<picture> tags (preferred)’, the images became bigger!
    What to do please?

  • Please forget about the Imagify problem, I used the plugin: “helper plugin” given by Imagify and it worked.
    so what abt the width problem ?

  • Hi,

    Can I see the page with the width problem?

  • Done in private

  • Can you select each container that you’ve set to align full width, and set them to default instead?

  • I did it but everything is ruined, can you have a look to see how it became?

  • That’s good, however, you have this CSS which limits the page’s content container width to 800px, it shuold’ve been full width.

    .no-sidebar .entry-content {
        max-width: 800px;
        margin-left: auto;
        margin-right: auto;

    Can you disable your cache plugin so I can see where this CSS is from?

  • It was on the homepage in Additional CSS.. I did 1900px instead and now it’s fine I think, is 1900px good?

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