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In-content AdSense ads not showing

  • Hi team – hope you can help.

    I have AdSense on my website and this has got anchor ads, siderail ads, and in-content ads enabled. Until recently, this all looked fine. However, now on most pages I see anchor/siderail ads but no in-content ads.

    I’m wondering whether this is a problem I’ve caused somehow in my GP setup?

    Auto Ads and In-content ads are enabled on AdSense and I’ve placed a Manual Ad in the content of a webpage (before 4th para), but I’m not seeing the auto ads any more.

    Any suggestions? Have I messed something up that is now stopping these ads from appearing?


  • Hi there,

    Can you disable all plugins except the ads and GP Premium to test?

    And is this the ads that you are referring to? if so, i can see it:

  • Hi Ying – no, that’s just the manual AdSense ad I placed. Before the 4th paragraph on each post.

    But, deactivating plugins has helped – it looks as if Joli TOC is causing a conflict and stopping the Auto Ads in-content ads from appearing on posts.

    Thanks for the prompt to try that – I’ll get in touch with Joli now!


  • No Problem 🙂

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