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Installing a shop on a subdomain

  • Hi there,
    I want to install a webshop + the booking plugin from Amelia on a subdomain because they both use Woo + MultiSafepay. I also imported the Niche-Template for the shop. I am a bit lost how to work out the menu and structure on the subdomain with these two pages since both pages get hooked via a link in the main menu from the main domain, right?
    I guess I have to style all pages (nav-menu and footer) of the subdomain directly in the subdomain?
    Thanks for your support!

  • Hi there,

    Yes, if you need the navigation menu and footer layout to match the main site, you’ll need to style them manually.

    When you install a site on a subdomain, it is essentially a completely separate site, and there will be no direct link between the two.

  • Hi Alvind,
    thanks! Do i connect the elements in the navbar on the subdomain with the element’individual link’ and vice versa in the navbar of the main domain?

  • Yes, you can use the custom links to add links to the menu on your subdomain.

  • Thanks, Ying. I imported the Niche-Design from the GP Site-Libary since i want to use this for the shop. I tried to create a Navbar with this video from Kyle, The Admin Bar, but couldn’t get it to work. I went for that approach to be able to import the element than as well to the main site but i feel i am mistaking.
    My questions:
    1. can i put the code-snippet in the functions-php of the Child-Theme? I tried both but both didn’t work
    2. Where can i label the blocks as he is doing it in the video since i am using GB Pro too?
    3. What is another possibility to import the navbar from the main site to the subdomain but still keeping the shop design from the Niche-layout?
    Thank you for your help!

  • 1. yes, if the code is a function. what is the code? (i don’t see Kyle’s video link).

    2. select the block, click the 3 dots icon > rename.

    3. you seem to have an element as the header, can you disable it and use the default GP header instead?

    The Niche site is using navigation as header option, you can disable it at customizer> layout > header to keep the same setting as your main site.

  • Hi Ying, sorry, I was too slow as i edited the previous entry already – here is the link, he’s labelling the blocks from the right sidebar all the way down in the Advanced-Panel:
    I could get it to work with the functions.php in the child theme and created the element which you’re referring to. The GP Nav still shows the design from the Niche-Template of course. I am a bit confused which steps i should take to achieve the same headers on both sites. That’s why i thought to work with an element to be able to install it both on the main domain and sub domain because the customers should not realise that they leave the main site.
    Hope i could make myself clear.

  • Have you tried this? GB used to have the label option, but since WP added the rename option, the GB label option has been removed.

    2. select the block, click the 3 dots icon > rename.

    Have you tried this?

    The Niche site is using navigation as header option, you can disable it at customizer> layout > header to keep the same setting as your main site.

    Once this is done, I can take another look at your site.

    Let me know how it goes!

  • yes, i did all of this.

    I see now two navbars, the one i installed with the element and the primary menu from Niche. pic here:
    When i delete the primary menu from Niche i get this:

    The nav bar from the main site looks like this and there should be the button for the Vanshop added when the shop page is ready. pic here:

    When the customers are on the shop page (subdomain) they should still see the menu from the main domain. That’s what i want to achieve.
    Thank you!

  • The nav on top is added by you using a GP element, can you disable that? I didn’t ask you to delete the menu from appearance > menus, I meant this:

    And I don’t see the setting described below being done, please do it:

    The Niche site is using navigation as header option, you can disable it at customizer> layout > header to keep the same setting as your main site

    Let me know when the 2 things are done!

  • Yes i disabled the header in the customizer already before. see pic here:

    I also disabled the header element now.

  • Now go to Customizer > layout > primary navigation, and set the navigation location to float right.

    Upload a logo at customizer > site identity.

  • I did that but the header is still not looking like How can i achieve that?

  • 1. now remove this CSS from customizer > additional CSS on your shop to remove the border below the menu:

     /*-- Navigation --*/
     .main-navigation {
       box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);

    2. set padding-top to 40px at cusotmizer > layout > header to match your main site.

    3. remove the search icon at customizer > layout > primary navigation.

    4. compare the primary navigation settings (including typography) on the 2 sites and make sure they have the same settings.

  • Great, Ying. Thank you!

  • You are welcome   🙂

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