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It is no longer possible to add Global Styles

  • kilyan.quoniam

    Hello, since yesterday, I have been unable to add more Global Styles with GenerateBlocks.

    Indeed, this feature has revolutionized the way I work on my websites. Only, on the site I am currently working on, I already have 150, but no longer the possibility of having more…

    On the page editor, I can add a class with “ADD OR CREATE STYLE“. This is added correctly and the effects too. The preview is also active. By saving and going to the page, visual changes are no longer visible.

    The class is visible in the HTML code, but the CSS code is non-existent. The new style created is missing from the list of “Global Styles” of GenerateBlocks. And when I refresh the editor, the preview of this new class is not visible. She resumes her style when I click on the style in question. It’s really disabling, I don’t know how to solve this problem.

    The problem does not come from the browser or server cache.

    Here is the URL of my site:

  • Hi there,

    By default, the Global Styles page will only list up to 150 classes. To override that, you can add this snippet:

    add_filter( 'generateblocks_styles_posts_per_page', function() {
        return 200; // List up to 200 classes
    } );

    Adding PHP:

  • kilyan.quoniam

    Thank you Alvind, it’s perfect, it works properly! 👍

    You had to know that it was limited, I missed inspection on my side

    Have a good day

  • No problem, you too!

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