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Lazyload issue

  • Hello,

    I’ve enabled lazy load with the Smush plugin for my website, using the default settings. I only added the class .wp-show-posts-image img to exclude my header logo from lazy loading. Every time I visit my website, it looks like the images aren’t lazy loading. The “lazy” attribute is being added (view screenshot), but I don’t see the 400ms fade-in animation, for example. Could you take a look?

  • Hi there,

    I only added the class .wp-show-posts-image img to exclude my header logo from lazy loading.

    Hmm not sure if I understand. The logo would be: .site-logo img.

    Every time I visit my website, it looks like the images aren’t lazy loading. The “lazy” attribute is being added (view screenshot), but I don’t see the 400ms fade-in animation, for example.

    Have you checked with Smush’s support team? I can’t see how this would be a GP or GB related issue.

  • Okay thank you.

  • No problem 🙂

  • I figured it out. I had a transition applied to most of my images, and the lazy load class also uses a transition effect. They were conflicting with each other, which is why the lazy load fade-in wasn’t working.

  • Glad to hear that 😁

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