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Left sidebar widget padding not working

  • techbackend04


    I am trying to make the left-side padding of the left sidebar widget to 0.

    I have made the Layout>Sidebar>widget padding > 0 (for left and right)
    Also did Container>Content padding > 0 (left and right)

    But still, sidebar widget is not moving. Is there anything else I am missing?

    Thanks alot.

  • Hi there,

    Can you link us to the page in question?

    You can use the private information field.

    Let me know 🙂

  • techbackend04

    Thanks for the response.
    BTW this Left sidebar is on the woocommerce shop/product page


  • I don’t need the login. Please link me to the specific page in question.


  • techbackend04

    here you go


  • Can you please confirm that the Widget Padding option in the customizer is set to 0?
    The code suggested only the right padding is set to 0.

    If so please clear and disable your caching plugin first.

  • techbackend04

    Thanks Leo.
    After disabling the cache plugin, it is working now.

    Appreciate your response.

  • No problem 🙂

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