Is it possible to insert the single portfolio content into that modal?
I don’t think so, as the Content Template will hijack the single posts content-single.php – GP is not going to load that outside of the single loop.
I think you’re better off just incorporating the slider into your current template.
Your issue with that is the shortcode is calling:$images = get_field('gallery');
And its not going to find the fields, you will need to pass the current post ID to get them -
Hmmm ok, I see. Seems like I am gonna have problems with this one, lol.
I have modified the slider shortcode code:
//Portfolio slider shortcode function portfolio_slider_shortcode() { // Log a message to indicate that the shortcode function is being executed error_log('Portfolio slider shortcode called'); // Get the ID of the current post $post_id = get_the_ID(); // Get the 'gallery' field for the current post $images = get_field('gallery', $post_id); ob_start(); if ($images): ?> <section class="splide" aria-label="Splide Basic HTML Example"> <div class="splide__track"> <ul class="splide__list"> <?php foreach ($images as $image): ?> <li class="splide__slide"> <img src="<?php echo esc_url($image['url']); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr($image['alt']); ?>" /> </li> <?php endforeach; ?> </ul> </div> <?php endif; return ob_get_clean(); } add_shortcode('portfolio_slider', 'portfolio_slider_shortcode');
The code is executed but the slider is still not rendered. It renders on the single post still. Am I missing something?
Note: The modal opening happens on the archive. Could that be an issue?
Theres 2 issues I think:
1. this:
$post_id = get_the_ID();
won’t get the ID of the post you want as its not being called from within the loop.In your
function, you do get the ID here:$post_id = isset( $_POST['post_id'] ) ? intval( $_POST['post_id'] ) : 0;
`2. The shortcode is using Object buffering, and I have no idea the issues that may cause when being returned from an Ajax call.
Try outputting the ACF Field values and slider HTML directly inside the
Yeah, I managed to get the slider images in but I think the problem is the shortcode rendering as you mentioned! I am gonna leave it at that and revisit another time, I had high hopes for it!
Thanks again.
Keep up the high hopes 🙂
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