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Loading page, I see incomplete display of some items

  • Hello

    Don’t know how to expalain the problem I have.
    While loading blog page, it shows incomplete style and then quickly shows up the full page.

    I have recorded a video to show you that.
    please check 08, 17 and 19 secs. You will see green-blue box with “1x”, and then quickly it shows up the complete page.


  • Hi there,

    It looks like the scripts and styles for the podcast player are loading after the page.
    Have you spoken tot the Podcast plugin developer about the issue ?

  • thanks.
    No. I haven’t spoken to the plugin developer. Just found the problem today.

    I used Hello theme before. It looks ok at that time.
    What would be the possible rational behind it?
    Is it becasue GeneratePress really loads very fast?

  • Can you share a URL to the where i can see the issue ?

  • yes. the URL is in privated information.

  • Hi YC,

    Does this issue occur on a different browser or device? I can’t seem to replicate the issue from my end.

  • yes.
    I tried it on both EDGE and Chrome on desktop computer (window 11).

    Besides, I also tried on android mobile phone with chrome browser.

  • Hi YC,

    I don’t seem to see the issue using Chrome on a Macbook.

    But as David said, the podcast is loading a bit late, that should be the cause of the issue :)

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