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Making a page responsive with the new flex layout

  • Hello,

    I recently followed Kyle Van Deusen’s tutorial on YouTube to recreate a specific design.

    I was successful in doing so on the desktop version but not on mobile. I believe it’s because I’m still unfamiliar with the new flexbox controls.

    I’m hoping you could give me some advice on how to make my page look good on both a tablet and a mobile device. I don’t need you to walk me through it step-by-step, but just provide me with a few hints.

    Thank you for your help and time.

    Best regards,

  • I’ve had such problems very recently and learned a couple of things:

      Setting to Wrap for buttons helps greatly to regain control over the width

      Setting to Column for containers also makes a difference for width

    Those are a couple of options that may help you.

  • Thank you, Alesia.

    Thank you for your suggestions; I finally got what I wanted.

  • Thanks for the assist Alesia!

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