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menu will not drop on hover

  • Hi
    When I select Drop on hover for my primary menu it shows the arrows. I tried changing it to click and then changed it back and it is still the same. I currently have it set to drop on hover and you can see it here
    you will only be able to see the home page as it is set to logged in users only for the rest of the site. you should be able to see what I mean though.


  • Hi there,

    Sorry, I’m not sure if I’m seeing the issue.

    I do see the submenu when hovering over the parent item:

    Have you resolved this?

  • Now that’s interesting. I wanted a mobile menu so set that to start at maximum width. How did you get that primary menu? On mobile menu, you have to click it.

  • Now I see the mobile menu on the desktop:

    There is no “hover” for the mobile menu as there is no such thing as hover on touch screens.

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