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Mini Cart not showing up

  • Hi,

    I just updated WooCommerce and WordPress to their latest versions and the mini-cart in my header stopped working. Previously when I would mouse-hover the mini-cart in the menu, it would show a dropdown with all of my products. But after the update, the dropdown shows up empty.

    Here is the mini cart’s generated HTML

    <span class="menu-bar-item wc-menu-item  has-items">
    	<a href="" class="cart-contents shopping-cart has-svg-icon" title="View your shopping cart">
    		<span class="gp-icon shopping-cart">
    			<svg viewBox="0 0 15.78 21.35" aria-hidden="true" version="1.1" xmlns="" width="1em" height="1em">
    				<path fill="none" d="M0 0h576v512H0z"></path>
    				<path d="M3.56,5.57V4.14A4.14,4.14,0,0,1,7.7,0h.37a4.14,4.14,0,0,1,4.14,4.14v0h0V5.57h3.57V18.74a2.61,2.61,0,0,1-2.61,2.61H2.61A2.61,2.61,0,0,1,0,18.74H0V5.57Zm6.67-1.41v0A2.14,2.14,0,0,0,8.09,2H7.7A2.14,2.14,0,0,0,5.56,4.14h0V5.55h4.67ZM2,18.74a.61.61,0,0,0,.61.61H13.17a.62.62,0,0,0,.61-.61V7.57H2Z">
    		<span class="number-of-items ">11</span>
    		<span class="amount">Rs&nbsp;51,870</span>
    	<div id="wc-mini-cart" class="wc-mini-cart" aria-hidden="true">
    		<div class="inside-wc-mini-cart">
    			<div class="widget woocommerce widget_shopping_cart">
    				<div class="widget_shopping_cart_content">

    Can it be because of the recent WooCommerce release in which they changed the mini cart?

    Please let me know how I can debug the issue and then resolve it.

    P.S. Love using the combination of GeneratePress and GenerateBlocks!

  • Hi there,

    can you share a link to your site, where i can see the issue ?

  • Sent it as a PM

  • Are you able to check for plugin conflicts by temporarily disabling other plugins?

  • Thanks David,

    I was able to get it resolved by disabling plugins one-by-one.

    For anyone having the same issue, the culprit in my case was WP Fastest Cache Premium. The premium version of the plugin has a feature, “Widget Cache: Reduce the number of SQL queries”. The mini-cart was being cached by the plugin.

    Not sure why it wasn’t caching before the update of the WordPress and WooCommerce.

    Marking the thread as solved. Thanks again!

  • Glad to hear you got it resolved!

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