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Missing field ‘datePublished’ in comments (SC critical error)

  • Hello,
    I know there’s already a similar thread on this issue, but maybe my problem is slightly different.

    Due to a comment moving plugin, on two of my sites it is no longer possible to comment without search console giving the error ‘missing field DatePublished’. I have deactivated and deleted the plugin long time ago, but it seems that on the sites where I have had it, a change in the structured comment data has remained permanently. This is an example of a page that has the problem:

    Is there any way to restore the correct coding of the structured data (which works fine on all my sites where I have not used that plugin)?

    Note – I’m not techy at all, so I’m searching just for a kind of ‘cleaning’ fix that restores the original situation (= the situation still in place on all the other websites I run with generate press and I have no troubles with comments)

  • Hi there,

    I check the HTML in the comments and I can see the datePublished field in the comments.
    And I ran the scheme markup test:

    And it shows no issue with the comments.

    Did you resolve it ? Or is search console just throwing false positives ?

  • No way.
    Search console keeps sending me this warning.

    Interestingly, as I said, only on the 2 websites where I messed up things with that plugin (which basically ‘moves’ comments to follow an URL migration). Even if I disabled it, and also on pages/articles not affected by the comments migration, I keep having this issue on the search console and I have no idea how to fix it.

    The problem persists not only in old comments, but also in every new one.

  • Does the SC error give you any more details such as the exact HTML thats failing ?

  • In the case of that article, this is the exact HTML highlighted by search console:

    <article class="comment-body" id="div-comment-1259" itemtype="" itemscope><footer class="comment-meta" aria-label="Meta dei commenti"><div class="comment-author-info"><div class="comment-author vcard" itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope> <cite itemprop="name" class="fn">Valentina</cite></div><div class="entry-meta comment-metadata"> <a href=""> <time datetime="2024-08-20T10:25:34+00:00" itemprop="dateModified"> 20 Agosto 2024 alle 10:25 am </time> </a></div></div></footer><div class="comment-content" itemprop="text"><p>Buongiorno, ho la possibilità periodicamente di raccogliere molte bottiglie di vetro ma non trovo dove poterle vedere , sapreste indirizzarmi a Roma dove raccolgo e pagano il vetro? Grazie Valentina</p> <span class="reply"><a rel='nofollow' href='#comment-1259'>Rispondi</a></span></div></article>
    <article class="comment-body" id="div-comment-1262" itemtype="" itemscope><footer class="comment-meta" aria-label="Meta dei commenti"><div class="comment-author-info"><div class="comment-author vcard" itemprop="author" itemtype="" itemscope> <cite itemprop="name" class="fn">Italia Cashback</cite></div><div class="entry-meta comment-metadata"> <a href=""> <time datetime="2024-08-21T09:49:56+00:00" itemprop="dateModified"> 21 Agosto 2024 alle 9:49 am </time> </a></div></div></footer><div class="comment-content" itemprop="text"><p>A Roma ci sono diverse opzioni per la raccolta e il riciclo delle bottiglie di vetro, e alcune di queste offrono anche un compenso per il vetro raccolto. Tuttavia, per ottenere il miglior compenso possibile, ti consigliamo di contattare direttamente l’AMA (Azienda Municipale Ambiente), il Consorzio Recupero Vetro (CoReVe), o aziende private che si occupano di riciclo del vetro per discutere delle tue esigenze specifiche e delle opzioni disponibili.</p> <span class="reply"><a rel='nofollow' href='#comment-1262'>Rispondi</a></span></div></article>

  • So see here:

    On the left is your HTML from the SC error.
    And on the right are those same HTML elements in the developers tools
    I marked the comment IDs so you can see they match.

    But in the SC HMTL the time tag has itemprop="dateModified"
    Whereas on the site HTML it has the itemprop="datePublished"

    Have you tried recrawling those posts ? As it seems google has crawled HTML that differs from your site.

  • Eureka! I found the trick.
    The 2 websites affected have a different plugin setup. The first one (that I linked here) is without any ‘last modified’ plugin, instead the second one has one in place.

    Basically, the plugin for some reason overwrites ‘last modified’ to ‘datepublished’ on comments, messing things up. For schema validator is fine as well. But for SC isn’t.

    So first step is disabling the plugin and purging the cache. After that, you can ask SC to recrawl the pages. Chances are the SC keeps reading wrong the HTML. So the fix looks to be asking for validation of the correction.
    It worked for now.

    Does it make sense to you? 🙂

  • If you have plugins that are swapping out published for modified dates, then yeah it kinda makes sense 🙂

  • I had no idea it worked this way. Argh!
    I immediately uninstall it.

    Thank you for your support!

  • You’re welcome

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