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Mobile megamenu: how to open third level items horizontally

  • Hi!
    I am building a megamenu that is working as it should be on desktop. On mobile though, I would like to make it work a bit differently. See here for an example:

    On mobile the usual is for the menu to open vertically- as it is doing right now:
    I would like to know whether is possible to make it work like in the screenshot above. For the megamenu, I am using the megamenu plugin.

    Any hint in the right direction are greatly appreciated!

  • Hi there,

    you would need to speak with the Mega Menu plugin developer, its not something that we make happen for you

  • The plugin authors say that with Megamenu is not possible.

    I thought you might be aware of another system/plugin (maybe specific for mobile) that I could use to achieve that…

  • Unfortunately i don’t know of any WordPress plugins that do that.

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