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Mobile menu slide is not showing

  • usethebitcoin


    Suddenly, our mobile menu slider is not working, the humber and close “x” is there and it is clickable.

  • Hi there,

    can you disable the Litespeed cache on the site so I can take a closer look ?

  • usethebitcoin

    Hi David,

    It’s deactivated now

  • The menu toggle is working now. So there must be a CSS or JavaScript optimisation in the Litespeed settings that is breaking it. You will need to eliminate which setting that is.

  • usethebitcoin


    I disabled the css and js settings like minify, removed the tuning, but it doesn’t do anything. I think we can’t disable this plugin, is there any way for us to not to disable?\

    It was fine back then. Does this affects after the update of GPblocks and GPPro?

  • is there any way for us to not to disable?

    Please try checking with the plugin’s support team. If you show them the issue then they should be able to identify the settings to disable.

    Does this affects after the update of GPblocks and GPPro?

    No – this wouldn’t be a GP or GB issue.

  • usethebitcoin


    This issue has not been resolved yet by the LiteSpeed plugin.

    But upon turning off the Load JS Deferred (the default setting was Deffered) then I turned it off the mobile menu worked. Can I asked the js file name of the mobile menu so I can exclude it from being deffered?

  • The IDs of the JS are generate-offside-js-extra and generate-offside-js.

    Let me know if it works by excluding these 2 JS files.

  • Hi Ying,

    Thanks for responding, I need the file name like filename.js so I can exclude that file to be deferred.

    Thank you so much

  • the JS script loaded by the Off Canvas is:


    Its location is:


  • Hi David,

    Thank for this, I have tried excluding them but the problem still occured. I will continue to reachout with LS Cache for any solution and further checking about this.

  • Let us know how you get on.

  • Hi David,

    The issue seems to be worse now on mobile; even the tab options are not working as the mobile menu. I turned off ALL js settings from Combine,Combine External and Inline, Load JS Deferred everything is not working, unless disabling the plugin. I have update the plugin and reached out to them but the only way was to exclude the JS for that mobile, since you gave the file name and placed it to exclude and not to be deferred, it is still that same, not working.

    Also I noticed that the colors of the ticker and YT icon changed.

    Should this be affected?

  • Hi again David,

    I have tried WP Optimization plugin the issues still occurs on JS, even turning off all JS settings still the mobile menu is not working.

  • I just tested your site on my phone and the mobile menu works well.

    Can you check again?

  • Hi Ying,

    It works because I disabled the plugin, now it is activated.

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