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Nav Social Icons Element Problem

  • sveikatosinzinierius

    Hello, I’ve created an element to include social icons on the entire site, but it doesn’t appear on mobile.

    Also, on desktop, the icons don’t line up in a single row. How can I fix this?

    I’ve added the screenshots in the private information section.

  • Hi there,

    Could you provide the link to your site so we can take a closer look?

  • sveikatosinzinierius

    Sure, I’ve added the link in Private information.

  • Just to confirm, are the Social Icons you are referring to the ones in the footer?

    If so, I don’t see the alignment issue you mentioned; all icons seem to be perfectly aligned.

  • sveikatosinzinierius

    I’m not talking about the footer – I’m talking about the header. The screenshot is in Private information.

  • Okay to fix that, try adding this CSS:

    div.inside-header.grid-container {
      max-width: 1250px;
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