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New homepage hero image is not showing on mobile

  • Hey guys!

    I have a slight issue. I wanted to update my hero image, and it gets updated on desktop. But for some reason, it doesn’t appear on mobile. When I switch back to the old image – everything is fine. I cleared cache, etc, still the same issue. What could be causing this? I use the same size, height, etc for the new image that I have for the old one.

  • Hi there,

    can I see the issue on your site ?

  • Hi David,

    Sure. I changed the hero image on the homepage (it used to be a simple black background, now it’s in a lighter color.
    I can see the changes on my desktop, but not on mobile. Here’s the link to the website –

  • Ok, I see the background image URL is set to:


    But that URL is returning a 404 issue.
    So it looks like an issue with the CDN thats serving the image.
    Can you check with the CDN provider to see what the issue is ?

  • David,

    I did cache purge, the link seems to be working fine now. At least it’s not returning a 404 issue for me. However, still nothing on the mobile. My CDN provider has a dumb contacting system, it’s only giving AI generated answers of everything I already tried.

  • Your CDN provider might have a different image assigned to mobile for better performance, I’m afraid you need to try harder to get a hold of them.

  • Ying,

    The thing is, there is no image on mobile. Only the text. Wouldn’t I see something different, if that was the case?

    I will, however, try to contact them again.

  • Only the text. Wouldn’t I see something different, if that was the case?

    I do not see the image on the desktop as well.

    so both desktop and mobile images are not showing.

  • Ying,

    Yep, same not. I was able to see it on my HP laptop, but my Mac is not showing anything as well. Speaking to the customer service of my provider right now. Are you certain it could be a CDN issue?

  • Yes, 100% sure.

  • We double-checked everything with the support – they said that everything was okay on their side. They suggested I try disabling plugins, upload the image and see what happens.

  • You can try disable the CDN and upload your image again.

    The hero is now showing a grey color background from this image:

    Is this the correct image you want to use?

  • No, I brought back the old image that, for some reason, was never creating any issues, but the news ones do.

    We tried disabling CDN with the support, however, I couldn’t access my website because of that. That’s why they suggested trying disabling plugins.

    Will re-building the homepage from scratch help resolve this issue in any way? I mean, I can always leave this hero image but I’d like to have the option of updating my homepage in the future 🙂

  • Will re-building the homepage from scratch help resolve this issue in any way?

    I don’t think so.

    The page has no issue, the only issue is the image link doesn’t work which obviously is served by CDN.

    Ask them why this image link doesn’t work:

  • In that case, I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried everything except disabling plugins, which I’ll try tomorrow. But I don’t think that will help either.

    I will ask about the link, thank you

  • You are welcome   🙂

    Worth trying disable plugins as well, in case you have plugins that can modify URLs.

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