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New position for images

  • Hi,

    maybe you know a solution for that problem. I have always an image after the second paragraph. But now the blog posts have a new structure and the image should appear now after paragraph 3. Is there a way to change the position for all that pictures at once. I have added the images manually.

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Hi there,

    How did you add the image after the 2nd paragraph?

    Are you using any custom functions? if so, please provide the function here and wrap the code with the code tag.

  • I added the images manually to the posts (upload / media library). I think that are no custom functions.

    <!-- wp:image {"align":"center","id":15809,"sizeSlug":"full","linkDestination":"none"} -->
    <figure class="wp-block-image aligncenter size-full"><img src="" alt="Feigenkuchen Rührteig - Foodblog Topfgartenwelt" class="wp-image-15809"/></figure>
    <!-- /wp:image -->

    You can find the link to that post in the private section.

    Greetings Kathrin

  • I have always an image after the second paragraph. But now the blog posts have a new structure and the image should appear now after paragraph 3.

    If this is the case, no, there isn’t a way to change the image position other than manually change the location, unfortunately.

  • Ok. So, when I have to do it manually. Would there a way that the next time a change would be possible with the help of some code?

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Yes, you would need to:

    1. create a custom hook after the 3rd paragraph. I see that you already have a function to add hooks after 1st paragraph, you can write new code based on that.

    2. create a custom field for posts, so you can insert image URL to the custom field, like this:

    3. In the block element which uses the custom hook, insert a GB image block, and pull the image from the custom field by setting image content source > post meta > custom field slug:

    Then next time, if you want to change the position, you just need to modify the PHP code from step #1.

  • Maybe you can help me to modifiy the custom hook code? I don’t know much about PHP 🙁

    I have created that code:

    add_shortcode('portable_hook', function($atts){
        $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
            'hook_name' => 'no foo'
        ), $atts, 'portable_hook' );
        return ob_get_clean();
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'insert_image_after_paragraph_3', 20 );
    function insert_image_after_paragraph_3( $content ) {
        global $post;
        $inserted_hook = do_shortcode('[portable_hook hook_name="after_paragraph_3"]');
        if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
            return prefix_insert_after_paragraph_3( $inserted_hook, $content );
        return $content;
    function prefix_insert_after_paragraph_3( $insertion, $content ) {
        $paragraph_pattern = '/<p[^>]*>.*?<\/p>/s';
        preg_match_all($paragraph_pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        // Count the number of matches (paragraphs)
        $paragraph_count = count($matches[0]);
        if ($paragraph_count > 3) {
            // If there are less than two paragraphs, insert at the beginning
            return $insertion . $content;
        // Find the position of the second-to-last paragraph
        $after_paragraph_3_position = $matches[0][$paragraph_count + 3][1];
        // Insert content before the second-to-last paragraph
        $updated_content = substr($content, 0, $after_paragraph_3_position) . $insertion . substr($content, $after_paragraph_3_position);
        return $updated_content;

    But the image isn’t shown after paragraph 3.

    The Test-Link is in the private section.

    Which value I should choose for the image Array, URL or ID? – I have chosen ID for the moment.

    One important question: When I’m doing that are the images delivered from the cache or is that all dynamic?

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Try replacing the prefix_insert_after_paragraph_3 function with below code:

    function prefix_insert_after_paragraph_3($insertion, $content) {
        $paragraph_pattern = '/<p[^>]*>.*?<\/p>/s';
        preg_match_all($paragraph_pattern, $content, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        // Count the number of matches (paragraphs)
        $paragraph_count = count($matches[0]);
        if ($paragraph_count < 3) {
            // If there are less than three paragraphs, insert at the beginning
            return $content . $insertion;
        // Find the position after the third paragraph
        $after_paragraph_3_position = $matches[0][2][1] + strlen($matches[0][2][0]);
        // Insert content after the third paragraph
        $updated_content = substr($content, 0, $after_paragraph_3_position) . $insertion . substr($content, $after_paragraph_3_position);
        return $updated_content;
  • Thank you very much. Better but still not the right place. The image should appear here:

    Now it looks like that:

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Which image are you referring to? Maybe share a screenshot of the current image location?

  • No problem, here is an image. I have updated the link:

    Here is the link to the blogpost: where the image is now in the wrong position.

    Greetings Kathrin

  • The current spot of the image is actually after the 3rd <p> as the author’s name is a <p> and there’s an empty <p> after review number 11.

    It’s getting trickier, can you do not use <p> tag for the author name and do not add empty <p>?

  • I have added the new code and flushed the cache but now the image is gone. The place where it should be is blank.

    Greetings Kathrin

  • The function has some issues, I removed it.

    Can you check my suggestion in my previous reply?

  • I did, but now the images is there where it was – on the wrong position.

    As you can see here:

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Try using GB’s image to pull the author image and GB’s headline block to pull the author’s name, and set the headline’s tag to <div> instead of <p>.

    And remove this empty <p>:

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