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No Logo and very delayed sticky menu

  • Hi.

    I’ve uploaded a logo for the sticky menu but it doesn’t show.

    Also the menu appears very late when scolling down. How can I make it appear earlier?

  • Hi there,

    Have you disabled the sticky navigation? I can’t see the issue anymore.

  • No. it’s still there.

    1. No Logo in the sticky menu when scolling down
    2. Sticky menu appears rather late

    Tested in browsers: Edge & Chrome

  • Sorry, I just realized that the sticky navigation is on the sidebar.

    Just to confirm, did you set the logo under Customize > Layout > Sticky Navigation?

    For the sticky menu’s appearance behavior, try setting the Transition to either Slide or None.

  • Yes, the logo is set but doesn’t show -> problem persists

    Transition to None did the trick – I misinterpreted it -> this problem is solved

  • It seems that by default, the logo won’t display if the sticky navigation is positioned on the sidebar. If you really need that logo, the alternative would be to use the default navigation location.

  • Can we somehow make this work?

  • Try adding this CSS:

    .sidebar .is_stuck .sticky-navigation-logo {
        width: 100%;
        height: auto;
    .sidebar .main-navigation .inside-navigation {
        flex-direction: column;
    .sidebar .is_stuck .main-navigation.has-sticky-branding:not(.has-branding):not(.navigation-stick) .navigation-branding {
        display: block; 
         margin-right: 0; 
        opacity: 1;
    .sidebar .main-navigation.has-sticky-branding:not(.has-branding):not(.navigation-stick) .navigation-branding {
        display: block;
        height: 0;
        overflow: hidden;
        opacity: 0;
        transition: all 0.3s ease;
    .is_stuck  .navigation-branding img {
        height: auto;
        width: 100%;
  • That worked very well. Thank you for that! 🙂

  • No Problem 🙂

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