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Post Headers (hooks)

  • Hi guys

    My site seems to have gone mad!

    On posts such as the featured image is showing in the background but then another image is being overlayed ontop. I’ve tried to work it out but I am stuck?

    The headers are hook elements and when viewed independently they look fine.

    Can you help??


  • Hi Steve,

    Can you try setting the container with the background image toposition:relative in the layout panel?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Hi Ying

    The headers were working fine, something is causing a clickable overlay over the header of the posts. The size and positioning were working fine.


  • And Ying, it is on all posts, but not pages.


  • Have you done what I suggested?

    The container has a container link activated which is a GB Pro feature, can you also add your GB pro support key to your account? Thanks!

  • There is no link attached to the header and I can’t see how to change to position relative for the parent container. I have added my pro support key. Thanks

  • There’s a container link added to the container:

    You need to set this container to position:relative.

    If you don’t know where the settings are, can you provide an admin login in the private info field, so I can take some screenshots for you.

    Let me know 🙂

  • The link is not on the header container for the element I created, it is an unknown overlay that is linking to different posts depending on which post you are on.

    Thanks for your help


  • It’s in the post navigation element:

    Please do so for both of the Grid containers.

  • Many thanks Ying, now fixed. I have no idea how an element set to ‘after main content’ can affect an element designated as ‘after header’.

    Thanks again for your patience and help to get this sorted.


  • You are welcome 🙂

    When adding a container link, make sure you set the parent container of the container link to position:relative in the future.

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