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Post Navigation

  • When I turn off the snippet, take out the short code and use an element. It does not show on the posts.

    The post navigation template only works in GP’s default template, when you are using a loop template, it overrides the default template, that’s why the post navigation doesn’t work.

    Try change the element type from loop template to content template, then the post navigation should work.

  • This is a sample blog post that needs navigation. I have an element on but it’s not showing up. I turned off the snippet, took out the short code and used an element. It does not show on the posts. I am using a block loop template for the posts.

    As I said I am getting confused. I meant navigation between posts and pagination on archive pages.

    Let’s just figure out the navigation for now.

    Thank you for your patience.

  • Have you followed my instructions and done this?

    Try change the element type from loop template to content template, then the post navigation should work.

    Let me know 🙂

  • Ah ha! That works! Somehow I missed that. Thank you!

  • No Problem 🙂

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