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Product combinations / stock problem

  • Dear Generate Press team,

    I have a question and with your expertise you can easily help me to navigate into the right direction.

    1) I have a product that consists of 2 separate parts
    2) the two parts can not be sold “as single product”
    3) Each of these 2 parts has a SKU and correspondant stocks

    As a simple example:
    Sub-Product 1: battery power drill – SKU 123
    Sub-Product 2: Corresponding battery plate e.g. Makita SKU 123-M, DeWalt SKU 123-D etc.

    Result: Customer buys a power drill with Maktita plate (as sellable product) or a power drill with DeWalt plate

    The product can be displayed as a variable product. However the stock is wrong since it is a “shared” stock.

    I have 10 drills
    and in total 20 battery plates

    So I can only sell 10 drills in total (but with variable products this scenario is not possible).

    My question:

    Is there a way to display this set-up e.g. by adding the components use them in someway as combined product BUT HIDE single products for standalone sale?

    Or do you have any other hint or solution to this problem.

    I highly appreciate your help and direction here.

    All the best,

  • Hi there,

    unfortunately thats not within our scope or field of expertise.
    You really need to speak to Woocommerce support or a dedicated Woo developer who has knowledge of the woo inventory functions.

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