Hey there,
I’ve set the featured image as the background image source, but I’m having some trouble with the post title.
Is there a way to make it stand out more against the background? I’ve already tried adjusting the opacity and gradient, but it didn’t quite work.
Thanks for your help!
Hi there,
Try adjusting the linear gradient direction to 180 degrees, and remove the stop position value for both gradient colors.
Lastly, select the Headline block and set its z-index to 1.
Once you’ve made these changes, it should look like this: https://cln.sh/11mMhJbL
While we’re at it, is there a way to display posts from a specific category?
In the Query Loop block settings, click the Add Parameter button and select Taxonomies > Categories. You can then add the list of categories you want to display from the Select Terms field.
Perfect, this helps a lot!
Is there a way to make the featured image clickable, too, or is that a bit much? 😄
1. add an additional CSS class to the loop item, eg.
Adding CSS class(es): https://wordpress.com/support/wordpress-editor/adding-additional-css-classes-to-blocks/2. add this CSS:
.gb-query-loop-wrapper .container-link a:before { content: ""; position: absolute; inset: 0; }
Adding CSS: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-css/
3. select the headline that presents the title, and set
.Let me know if this helps!
Couldn’t have done it without you.
Thanks, everyone!
You are welcome 🙂
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