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Query loop not filtering on my categories

  • Hi guys,

    I have a little bug on one of my pages.
    I’v been using the query loop shortcode to display articles on my homepage recently.
    But when i’m trying to filter those articles by taxonomies -> categories, all articles are displayed by default…

    Could you please help me figure out this problem ?

    Thank you !

  • Hi there,

    You’re seeing the sticky posts.
    In the query loop settings change the STICKY POSTS set to EXCLUDE

  • Hi David,
    Thanks for your quick response.

    I remove the sticky posts from my query loop, but it still diplays all my posts…

  • And what happens if you make any other edits to the query loop eg. remove the category, update the number of posts/ Do you see the changes in the editor and on the front end ?

  • That’s pretty weird because in my gutenberg editor only selected articles from categories are displayed, but in front office, there is all my articles displaying…

  • You are using the WP query loop block, we don’t have control over that unfortunately.

    We thought you were using GB’s query loop block.

    If you can add GenerateBlocks plugin and use its query loop block, we will be happy to help! Otherwise, you might need to reach out to WP’s support for this one, sorry!

  • Ying, thanks for your answer.

    I just did the same thing with the GB Query Loop block and there is no trouble so problem solved.

    Thanks !

  • Glad to hear that 🙂

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