Hi, I’ve selected the “display read more button” and entered a Read more label in Customizing-> Layout-> Blog section, but no “read more” button or similar appears under my posts in the blogroll or category/tag archive pages.
Please let me know what I can do, keeping in mind that I’m not tech savvy and this is my first time using GP, thanks.
Hi there,
Read more button won’t show if you are using the custom excerpt.
You will need to add the 2nd PHP code here to activate read more button for custom excerpt:
https://docs.generatepress.com/article/activating-read-custom-excerpt/#read-more-buttonAdding PHP: https://docs.generatepress.com/article/adding-php/
It worked for the blogroll and archives, thank you. Would you happen to know how I can change the button style please?
You can change button color at customizer > colors > buttons.
But if you want to change the paddings, border-radius or other styles, you need CSS.
You can target this sector
p.read-more-button-container a.button
, here’s an example:p.read-more-button-container a.button { border-radius: 20px; border: 5px solid black; }
Thank you.
You are welcome 🙂
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