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Replicate a “Bootstrap” Menu?

  • I have a 100% customized web app built in PHP and Bootstrap for the HTML/CSS that lives in the root of the domain.

    I use WordPress and GeneratePress for the blog that lives in a subdirectory. So, all nice and simple.

    However – for consistency – is it possible to replicate the Bootstrap Menu? I mean – the answer is yes I guess, but what would the approach be?

    Option 1: Using GeneratePress CSS/Blocks/Customization – rebuild and replicate the same styling, or…
    Option 2: Use the same Bootstrap CSS and HTML?

    My hesitation with #1 is that it could be labour-intensive, the menu we are using has no dropdown and is relatively simple but yet would need quite a lot of CSS work (I think…)

    My hesitation with #2 is one of code-bloat. This would be the “best” but not sure how well GP works with suddenly there being a ton of other CSS and JS…

    All thoughts VERY welcome.

    The intention behind all of this is to create consistency b/c at the moment the blog looks and feels very much different….


  • Hi there,

    The menu is fairly easy to recreate in GeneratePress. The foundational layout can be configured within the Customizer by setting the background color, navigation background color, and text color. To add a button, you can follow the method in this topic:

    The only CSS required is to center the menu, add the border-radius, and specify the border color.

  • Thanks!

    Is there a developer that you would recommend? Maybe msg me privately if you allow that kind of thing.

    Thanks again for your help

  • No problem!

    We don’t have any recommendations regarding that at the moment, unfortunately.

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