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Responsive image

  • 1.Can you tell me how i can implement responsive images on my website – to follow these best practoses – Resizing the images to fit the size of their containers will have impact on the site performance. You should also consider serving different sized images to different devices.

    2.Is it the best practise to upload the images directly to the image library first?
    Is there anything I can do if I have never done this till now?

  • Hi there,

    some “best” practices for performance :

    1. Before uploading to WordPress you may want to consider running some image compression
    On Mac I use this:
    For PC you would need to do some googling, aside from those built into photo apps I am not that familiar.

    2. upload images to WordPress at the largest display size you require.
    For a site where a standard image quality is required, then the image need be no larger then the content container – on your site images in your content should have a max-width of 840px.

    WordPress will automatically create smaller variants of the image eg. medium_large ( 768px ), medium ( 300px ) – and add them to the <img> HTML for the browser to choose.

    The issue you on the provided URL is related more to Point 1 then it is to #2. The image is around 140kb in size, so it needs some compression before uploading.

    Unfortunately theres no magic wand to update existing images across a site without paying for image compression service.

  • I have been uploading 1200 by 620 px pictures recently- as i read some where that those are optimal. So I need not have more than 840 px width?

    I was already compressing pics with but i guess due to the extra size the compression is not enough

  • As David mentioned, you just need to upload the largest image display size you require, and all the smaller variants will be generated automatically by WordPress.

    I’m not sure what you mean by “extra size” or “the compression not being enough.” The tool should compress the image according to the compression type of your choice.

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