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site speed

  • Hi, I originally purchased your theme because it seemed to be the best rated for speed, but not long ago it seems that most of my pages across several wordpress installations on the same domain (ie- have fallen out of grace with Corel Web Vitals, especially the mobile version, which generates the most traffic, and I was wondering if you could help me figure out the speed problem? I do not remember doing anything on that particular date to negatively affect performance across several installations at once, thank you.

  • Hi there,

    I’ll attach the PageSpeed report of your page here for reference:

    The main issue here is the LCP, which is affected by the image element. In the image’s HTML, we can see the lazyload class and the data-lazy-sizes attribute, both of which indicate that the image is being lazy-loaded.

    Whatever plugin you’re using for lazy loading, adjust its settings to exclude that image, as you don’t want to lazy load images that are above the fold.

    Other potential issue: The font–display for the fonts is set to swap – I would recommend changing that to auto.

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