Hi there – running into an inconsistent problem. On one page the youtube embed works fine. On a second page, there is a space (the size of the youtube window) before the actual video.
Page with no issue: https://revoutfitters.com/
Page with issue: https://revoutfitters.com/4×4-shop/I have cleared browser cache, flushed server cache, and regenerated CSS files.
Hi there,
The second link is a 404 page: https://www.screencast.com/t/c0sXDayww
Can you confirm the link?
Weird…try this again…
I think is converting “x”‘ to multiply symbol. Try typing out using an x for 4×4
It’s the same link so same result unfortunately.
did you try and type it out like I suggested?
I did it for you
I manually typed it and it is still converting…only on this forum. YOu are going to have to type it out
The video in the first link has the following markup:
https://www.screencast.com/t/scdDUDe0And the video in the second link has the following markup:
https://www.screencast.com/t/xkfXBbRBI believe the aspect ratio is causing the issue.
Also, looks like a different block is used to embed. Can you confirm?
Leo – this is what is in the code editor….aspect same. Some differences in block contianer settings. I made 4×4 shop same as home page for block settings…no changes.
Home Page
<!– wp:generateblocks/container {“uniqueId”:”be03b913″,”isDynamic”:true,”blockVersion”:4,”useGlobalMaxWidth”:true,”spacing”:{“marginLeft”:”auto”,”marginRight”:”auto”,”marginBottom”:”50px”}} –>
<!– wp:embed {“url”:”https://youtu.be/sZCjDCbRo-M”,”type”:”video”,”providerNameSlug”:”youtube”,”responsive”:true,”className”:”wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio”} –>
<figure class=”wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio”><div class=”wp-block-embed__wrapper”>
<!– /wp:embed –>
<!– /wp:generateblocks/container –>4×4-shop Page
<!– wp:generateblocks/container {“uniqueId”:”1b572d34″,”isDynamic”:true,”blockVersion”:4,”spacing”:{“marginBottom”:”50px”},”borders”:{“borderTopWidth”:””,”borderTopStyle”:””,”borderRightWidth”:””,”borderRightStyle”:””,”borderBottomWidth”:””,”borderBottomStyle”:””,”borderLeftWidth”:””,”borderLeftStyle”:””}} –>
<!– wp:embed {“url”:” https://youtu.be/zvOEewNed28″,”type”:”video”,”providerNameSlug”:”youtube”,”responsive”:true,”className”:”wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio”} –>
<figure class=”wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio”><div class=”wp-block-embed__wrapper”>
<!– /wp:embed –>
<!– /wp:generateblocks/container –> -
Are you sure both of them are using this block?
https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/youtube-embed/ -
Weird – that is the only youtube embed option I have…and have doe this many time son website. I deleted embed, saved it, and re-added. No issues now.
I believe the previous block was this one: https://wordpress.org/documentation/article/embed-block/
Glad to hear that it worked.
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