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Sticky bar after header

  • Hello

    How can I add a sticky bar after the header but without created a “blank” between the header and the beginning of the content ?

    The bar will be just after the header (both in desktop and mobile) and above the content. Even in scrolling

    If I’m using a hook ‘after header’ and make it position-sticy, it’s ok after scrolling but at the beginning, there is a blank

    Is there a way to do this with GP/GB ?

  • Hi there,

    Can I see your site with the solution implemented?

    If I’m using a hook ‘after header’ and make it position-sticy, it’s ok after scrolling but at the beginning, there is a blank

  • Hi Ying

    thanks for your reply. Unfortunatly the site is yet in Figma’s conception, I just make some tests in a local staging site. ^^;

    I’ve come with this code :

    .bar {
      position: fixed; 
      top: 80px; 
      left: 50%; 
      transform: translateX(-50%); 
      width: 100%; 
      z-index: 1000; 

    But I would like this code only on homepage and this one for other pages :

    .bar {
      position: absolute; 
      top: 80px; 
      left: 50%; 
      transform: translateX(-50%); 

    My element is hooked “after_header”.

    May I do this two configurations without creating two elements ? (I’ve tried whith a Css’ selector like ‘.home’ or body:not(.home) but like my element is placed on all site, it does not work perfectly. And I would like only one element because I will have to change some text periodically)

  • Hi there,

    in your Element add Container within a Container eg.

    Container Block #1
    ---- Container Block #2
    ---- ---- Your top bar in here

    Container Block #1 set its Position to Sticky.
    Container Block #2 set its Position to Absolute

    This will make the second container and its content take up no space on the page. But it will remain attached to the sticky container

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