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Sticky navigation on mobile has stopped working

  • philipperoussel

    Thanks for your help,


  • Hi there,

    Could you provide more context about the issue? A link to the site experiencing the problem would be helpful as well.

  • philipperoussel

    Hi Alvind,

    The feature is activated in Customize. The website is (sorry about that).

    You can see the issue on your mobile phone.

    Thank you,


  • Hi there,

    the site is using the Mobile Header which has its own sticky option.
    Go to Customizer > Layout > Header and if is the sticky mobile header option active there ?

  • philipperoussel

    Hi David,

    Yes, it is.

  • And are those Csutomizer settings Published? Or saved as Draft?
    As i cannot see the sticky script loading on your site.

  • philipperoussel

    They are published.

  • Can you disable all your other plugins except GP premium to eliminate plugin conflicts?
    Let me know how it goes.

  • philipperoussel


    I disabled all your other plugins except GP premium, but the same issue remains.

  • Would you be able to provide a temporary admin login for us to take a closer look?

  • philipperoussel

    [Admin moved to private information]

  • Hi there,

    In the Customizer the Sticky Mobile Header works, where none of the site optimizations run as the customizer preview is built on the fly and not from cached code.

    So the most likely issue is cached optimizations on the site.

    You have several plugins that optimise the site, including Asset Cleanup, RapidLoad. WP Optimise, WP Meteor.
    All of these plugins do the same / similar functions; such as disabling or deferring scripts, optimising CSS and even page caching. So any one of them or a combination of them could be removing the GP sticky mobile header script.

    Eliminating them as the cause will be a case of disabling said plugins.

    BUT… in addition you have a Redis Object Cache and CDN Cache, and possible other server level caches (?) that would need clearing after the plugins are disabled, and in the case of the CDN it may require refreshing, to see any changes.

    Some advice, having many optimization plugins that can do the same thing is a bad idea, especially if they are trying to DO the same thing. Such as caching pages,coptimising CSS or deferring, delaying, removing Scripts.
    None of those optimization functions benefit from being performed more than once. In fact you’re more likely to break something and have a harder job debugging. You should remove plugins that do the same thing, or make sure the different plugins DO NOT have the same optimisations enabled.

    Try disabling those plugins and clearing caches including the browser.
    If the issue persists, leave them disabled and disable the caches too. And let us know.

  • philipperoussel

    Hi David,

    I will heed your advice about too many plugins doing more or less the same thing. As for the issue at hand, I deactivated all of them again (WP Meteor, Asset Cleanup, Rapid Load, WP Optimize) and purged the CDN (Cloudflare), but to no avail. What else could prevent the main menu to be sticky on mobiles?

  • On your site, in Asset Cleanup > Bulk Changes –> Everywhere.
    There are 4 scripts being removed from the entire site including: generate-sticky v2.4.1
    Which is script required for the sticky mobile header.

  • philipperoussel

    Hi David,

    I removed this site wide rule in Asset Cleanup and cleaned the website cache in WP and the browser’s cache on my phone. Still no change. I am sure we’ll get there, though. Is it the same on your side when you use your phone?

  • Go to Asset Cleanup > Overview, scroll down to view the Scripts (.js) ⟶ Total handles with rules: 16
    And there is another setting that is disabling the generate-sticky script in the home page and list of specific posts.

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