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Struggling with Header / Menu on Mobile

  • Hi,

    I am struggling to find a solution to the my Mobile Header. I tried different CSS codes to reduce the Site Icon, I tried to reduce the Title font size, but I just can’t find a solution.

    Do you suggest something that I could accommodate the Icon, Title and the Menu?

    Thank you so much

  • Hi there,

    do you have a different logo that would be better suited for mobile ?
    Let me know, if not its ok, I’ll take a look at some CSS.

  • Hi David,

    I can easily modify my logo. Should I adjust it’s size? What is the thing that needs to be adjusted?

  • If you could create a mobile logo that included the text too, then you would have around 200px of width to work in.

    I wold generally design around a 70px x 200px width logo for that.

  • David,

    It worked ! Thank you very much !

  • Glad to hear that !

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