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suddenly an error appears with the support key

  • Hi there

    I haven’t changed anything, but suddenly I get an error in my GP Support key.

    Do I have to take action now?
    Do I have to create a new support key?
    To be honest, I don’t know how to do this anymore…


  • Hi there,

    Have you recently changed your subscription to GP One? If so, you don’t need to do anything. Your existing support keys will recognize your GP One license and will continue to work.

  • No, I have not changed anything! I have a GP Lifetime license and dont’t want to change that to GP One.

  • Ah, okay. That could be a synchronization issue with our GP server. Recently, we’ve been dealing with a DDoS attack, and the site has been down intermittently all day.

    Rest assured, there is no issue with your account.

  • Ah, ok!

    Thank you 👍🙂

  • You’re welcome 🙂

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