I am having issues on my homepage in the first section.
In tablet view, I am trying to get the left container to show fewer posts and as one column. Is there a way to do this without creating an independent Query Loop or container just for tablet view?
Also, the right side container is off in tablet view, it seems to be wrapping instead of showing a single column.
In tablet view, I am trying to get the left container to show fewer posts and as one column
You can select the post template block on tablet view and set width to 100% to make it 1 column.
You can hide the 3rd, 4th, 5th posts using this CSS:
@media(max-width: 1024px) and (min-width: 769px) { .gb-grid-wrapper.gb-grid-wrapper-5bc22c73.gb-query-loop-wrapper :is(.gb-query-loop-item:nth-child(3),.gb-query-loop-item:nth-child(4), .gb-query-loop-item:nth-child(5)) { display:none; } }
I do not see the right column wraps on tablet.
That worked, thank you.
You are welcome 🙂
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