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Template for Affiliate Links

  • Element Gardening –> Custom Hook affiliate_hook_inside_shortcode –> Posts / All posts –> PHP Function:

    The code does not contain any affiliate_hook_inside_shortcode, the hook name should’ve been custom_shortcode_hook, and the shortcode is [hooky_affiliate_shortcode].

    Element Recipe –> Custom Hook after_h2 –> Posts / all posts –> PHP Function:

    Are you using after_h2 hook? I thought you said it works here in your reply:

  • For gardening I have used an element connected to that code from David:

    He writes: Then in your element add the custom hook of: affiliate_hook_inside_shortcode
    And in your posts add the shortcode: [hooky_affiliate_shortcode]

    I have used now the hook name provided by you custom_shortcode_hook and it works now.

    For the recipe I used the after_h2 hook and yes it worked one time. But I can’t reproduce it. It doesn’t show up. Here are my settings:

    Greetings Kathrin

  • I have used now the hook name provided by you custom_shortcode_hook and it works now.

    The first code in your reply here: is the same thing as David’s code you linked. You only need to keep one of the codes and use the shortcode set in the code.

    I have tried to set category post / gardening // category post / recipes but both doesn’t work. What should I do to get work?

    it should work, unless there’s another function that conflicts with this function. What is the content in the block element after_h2?

    Can you try disabling all other custom functions to test?

  • The element / hook for gardening works fine.

    For the recipes:

    I have disabled all custom functions and tried to show the Affiliate Block for the recipes. It doesn’t work. If I set the hook to show before comments the block appears as it should. But set to custom hook after_h2 nothing is shown. There is also no difference if i set the element to all posts or just a specific one.

    After slightly changing the PHP-Code to this:

    add_shortcode('portable_hook', function($atts){
        $atts = shortcode_atts( array(
            'hook_name' => 'no foo'
        ), $atts, 'portable_hook' );
        return ob_get_clean();
    function insert_hook_after_second_h2( $content ) {
        global $post;
        $inserted_hook = do_shortcode('[portable_hook hook_name="after_h2"]');
        if ( is_single() && ! is_admin() ) {
            // Regex, um die zweite H2-Überschrift und danach zwei <p> Tags zu finden
            $pattern = '/(<h2[^>]*>.*?<\/h2>.*?<p[^>]*>.*?<\/p>.*?<p[^>]*>.*?<\/p>)/s';
            $count = 0; // Variable zum Zählen der H2
            $content = preg_replace_callback($pattern, function($match) use ($inserted_hook, &$count) {
                // Füge den Hook nur nach der zweiten H2 und zwei <p> Tags ein
                if ($count == 2) {
                    return $match[0] . $inserted_hook;
                return $match[0]; // Ändere nichts nach der ersten H2
            }, $content); 
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'insert_hook_after_second_h2');

    it works for gardening and recipes. I have set it to post category gardening / recipes.

    Greetings Kathrin

  • Is this the content you inserted via the after_h2 hook?

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