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Undefined Array Key Error

  • I am using GenerateBlocks to make a FAQ accordion. I am also using a query loop to display dynamic data for the FAQ contained in a custom post type made using ACF (free version).

    On the page where I display the FAQ, I am getting the following errors, one for each query loop:

    Warning: Undefined array key “answer” in C:\Users\rtsut\Local Sites\itin-genie\app\public\wp-content\plugins\generateblocks-pro\includes\extend\interactions\class-accordion.php on line 435

    Warning: Undefined array key “answer” in C:\Users\rtsut\Local Sites\itin-genie\app\public\wp-content\plugins\generateblocks-pro\includes\extend\interactions\class-accordion.php on line 435

    Warning: Undefined array key “answer” in C:\Users\rtsut\Local Sites\itin-genie\app\public\wp-content\plugins\generateblocks-pro\includes\extend\interactions\class-accordion.php on line 435

    Even though the error shows, the FAQ are all displaying as expected.

    Any insights?

  • Hi there,

    Those are only PHP warnings and can be safely ignored as they won’t affect functionality.

    However, I believe these warnings have been addressed in version 2.0.

  • Okay thanks I will wait for that update to be released.

  • Sure, you’re welcome!

  • I have the Version 2.0.0-beta.9 installed now but still seeing the same errors. Plus a new one:

    Warning: Undefined array key “contentBg” in C:\Users\rtsut\Local Sites\itin-genie\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-timeline-block\templates\timeline.php on line 32

    Warning: Undefined array key “dateNameBg” in C:\Users\rtsut\Local Sites\itin-genie\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-timeline-block\templates\timeline.php on line 75

  • Did you update both GenerateBlocks Free and Pro to version 2.0 Beta?

    Also, both of the warnings mentioned above don’t appear to originate from the GenerateBlocks plugin.

  • Where can I download the Free version beta? I don’t see it in my account

  • The download for the free version is available in the release post:

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