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user meta is no longer displayed

  • Hi team,

    Until now, the description text that I had entered in the WP user was displayed here in the author box.

    But unfortunately this suddenly no longer works. What can I do?

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    What version of GB are you referring to?

    The 2.0 should have the data icon in the floating toolbar. For your reference:

  • Hi Ying,

    >> What version of GB are you referring to?
    It is the GB version 1.9.1.

    >> The 2.0 should have the data icon in the floating toolbar.
    But the 1.9.1 has also the data icon in the floating toolbar, see here:

    It is a client site, and the client is not ready to switch to the 2.0 blocks. She has just gotten used to the GB blocks v1.

    The strange thing is that the author box has always worked. I haven’t changed anything, but now suddenly the author meta is no longer displayed.

  • Hi there,

    I see on the front end just ´ being displayed where the author bio should be.
    Which means GB/GP is getting some value from somewhere – if it hadn’t found the author description then it would not have returned anything.

    So where does the ´ come from.
    What happens if you edit the author bio – just temporarily set some simple text.

    Does it then show ?

  • Hi there,

    >> So where does the ´ come from.
    I have no idea.

    >> What happens if you edit the author bio?
    Unfortunately that does not change anything.

    The strange thing is: this author box also exists in the events. (URL in private field)

    I duplicated it there, then copied and pasted it into the Element for the blog.
    It works for events, but not for the blog…

  • The author of the post should’ve been Stefanie Fuchs, not Christiane Weismüller, does this author Stefanie have any author bio content?

    Looks like the author image isn’t showing the correct author, can you check if the dynamic data is correctly set for the image?

  • >> The author of the post should’ve been Stefanie Fuchs, not Christiane Weismüller

    You are so right, dear Ying!!
    That was the decisive hint!

    Thank you very much!

  • You are welcome   🙂

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