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Vertical block spacing

  • Hello
    I feel I’m missing a bit of basic understanding. I would like to understand what is controlling the default distance between blocks that are stacked in a single column grid. I have a header, paragrpah, paragraph, and form. Very simple newsletter sign up. The vertical spacing is WAY TO MUCH. There is no padding, margin, fixed heights involved. This is the exact position as placed when added to the site. Since there is no NEGATIVE padding – how do you get the blocks closer together, especially paragraph one & two, that spacing looks ridiculous.

  • Hi there,

    how do you get the blocks closer together, especially paragraph one & two, that spacing looks ridiculous.

    I do not see any spacing between the paragraph one & two, this is what I see:

  • Ying – by the time you answer me I’ve already forced 100 attempts to get things fixed. I don’t send a request for help and then just wait around for you to get back to me ;). From a feedback perspective because I imagine most people are like me it would be helpful your reply was not so “incremental” you could have also included some guidance to help me find the global settings which had a “bottom padding setting” which I finally found after an hour of searching. If I have any complaints it’s that I have requested “GLOBAL HELP” several times now, meaning I want ALL OF THE POSSIBLE ways in which I could be screwing up or a link to the STEP BY STEP guide to get started. Maybe I’m missing it but I’ve asked a few times now. I’m getting stuck on basic things because I haven’t been able to find it in your documentation a step by step guide to become familiar with how all of this works. Do I need to go to youtube?

    In additiona to that point – I have now found these global settings but it still seems like I don’t understand “What is overriding what” I’ll make a setting and then immediately come upon a circumstance the goes AGAINST what I just set up in the global settings.

    Any help that could get me over this miserable learning would be great.

    Thank you

  • you could have also included some guidance to help me find the global settings which had a “bottom padding setting”

    Since I did not see the issue, how would I know the issue was related to the bottom padding that you’ve already removed?

    I have requested “GLOBAL HELP” several times now, meaning I want ALL OF THE POSSIBLE ways in which I could be screwing up or a link to the STEP BY STEP guide to get started.

    It’s not possible for us to list out all the possibilities, website is a dynamic thing, the causes can be hundreds, and we have to see the exact issue and the code to determine what it is. I believe that’s the most efficient way for both of us. Hope that makes sense.

  • Ok – what I meant was my Vertical Block Spacing subject line. Do you have documentation, videos, tutorials or anything as it relates to “Vertical Block Spacing” I think that topic is narrow enough that some general guidelines would be helpful.

    1) Can you explain to me what is controlling the excerpt font size and line spacing when I use a Query loop to pull my latest 3 posts onto the home page?

    I think it’s in the custom area, Body element, paragraph bottom margin that I currently have set for 20 px. But I assumed this was only for the body of the entire post which I am using 16 px or 1 rem font size so this spacing is ok.

    2) Can you explain how I can change the background color of the white squares that are holding the 3 column query loops? I’ve tried selecting any and all of the nested containers and nothing changes the color.

    3) In the absense of being able to change the background color can you explain how I can make the white area fixed so it doesn’t look so messy?

    Just a note – I don’t expect, detailed personalized explanations. When I ask for you to explain it’s fine to direct me to your detailed documentation that will allow me to read and figure it out for myself. So far I have a had a really hard time phrasing my questions correctly so that I can find what I’m looking for.

    Thank you,

  • Sorry I mean to include the link to my home page.

  • 1. if you do not set any font-size at the block level, it will load the font-size you set for body, the setting is at customzier > typography.

    However, you did set font-size at the headline block level, you’ve set it to 1rem, so it will override the theme’s body font-size.

    And the excerpt headline does NOT have a margin-bottom as you are using div tag, not p tag. div tag does not have default margin-bottom, while p tag does.

    2. You mean the white background of the 3 individual posts? If so, select the post template container of the query loop block, you can change its background color in the Colors panel.

    3. Not sure what you mean by fixed. Do you mean you want the 3 posts to be the same height?

    These questions are not related to the original topic, if you have some more to ask, you are welcome to open a new topic 🙂 and one question per topic, thanks!

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