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Woocommerce Store Notice Covers Header

  • Hello,

    I’ve run into an issue during the setup of a Woocommerce store. I enabled the store notice, but the notice covers the header. Is there some CSS that I can add to push the header down only when the notice is displayed?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi there,

    Is there some CSS that I can add to push the header down only when the notice is displayed?

    That’s not possible with CSS unfortunately.

    I think a decent workaround solution would be to create the notice bar manually using a top bar widget:

    The only downside is that there wouldn’t be a Dismiss button.

    I hope this helps 🙂

  • Thanks, Leo! That helps. Thought that was where I would be headed. Not really concerned about not being able to dismiss it 🙂

    Thanks again!

  • No problem 🙂

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