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WPML Plugin: Layout Element does not work on translated blogs

  • GordonSteigerGraphicWorks

    Hi there,
    I have setup Generatepress elements that define the styling of my blog articles. They work great on the original language, but won’t take effect on the translated articles. I have done the same on another website where it worked fine without even having to create a translation of the elements. I tried switching off other plugins with no effect.

    Thanks for your help.

  • Hi there,

    What is your current location for the element? And can you link us to one post in the original language and the same post but in the translated language?

    I might’ve seen the same issue before, might be worth contacting WPML plugin’s support for this one.

    Let me know 🙂

  • GordonSteigerGraphicWorks

    Hi Ying,

    thank you very much for your reply. It was a problem with the registration of WPML on this staging site. I was able to solve it by simply creating a new registration key for the plugin for this site.

    Best regards,

  • Awesome! Thanks for updating the info 🙂

    I’ll keep this issue in mind, in case other users run into the same issue!

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