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Small bug with Block Themes and CSS generation

  • When using GBP with FSE Block Themes there appears to be a bug whereby the frontend CSS is not regenerated on save, when the ‘external CSS file’ option is selected in GBP settings. Regenerating the CSS from the same options screen fixes the problem. Inline CSS works correctly.

    To recreate this bug:

    1. Install a Block Theme and GBP
    2. Ensure ‘external css’ is selected as the ‘CSS PRINT METHOD’ in GBP
    3. Make some style changes on a ‘container’ block using the Site Editor
    4. Save
    5. View frontend. The styles are not updates

    I assume the function to regenerate CSS on save isn’t firing from the Site Editor, as this works fine on pages and posts in the Block Editor.

  • Hi there,

    I just tested on WP’s twenty twenty-four theme, the CSS has no issue, and changes do apply to the front end.

    Which block theme are you using? Can you try the twenty twenty-four theme and let me know if the issue occurs?

    Let me know 🙂

  • Hello, sorry for the delay – I’m been off with flu!

    Interesting, I have tested with both my custom FSE theme and TwentyTwentyFour running on LocalWP. The same applies to both. When making changes to templates in the Site Editor, the front end style sheet is not refreshed on save (unless set to ‘inline’). The changes are saved to the database fine.

    The does not apply to the block editor when used for editing posts/pages/CPTs etc. Just the Site Editor is affected.

    It is also not possible to access the GenerateBlocks ‘global styles’ editor panel by clicking on a class name while in the Site Editor.

  • Hi there,

    I am not seeing the issue with the block styles added to the Site Editor, like Ying, they work in the Site Editor for me. Is the issue with all Site Editor templates or certain specific ones?

    Accessing Global Styles in the Site editor isn’t yet possible, as the GB Panel is currently only supported in the Block editor, we are working on integrating it into the site editor.

  • Intriguing, I’ve been testing this using the ‘frontpage’ template, where it doesn’t refresh the cache properly… but it does appear to work fine for the ‘page’ template.

    It doesn’t seem to matter what FSE theme is active, so not theme specific.

  • Hmmm,… odd, I just added a Fromt Page, and it still works as expected.
    Is there any theme.json or other options set that are not the default 24 theme settings ?

  • Not that I can see, but there must be something quirky on my local install. I’ll try and debug further. Sorry to take up your time!

  • No apologies necessary. Let us know what you find.

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