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47 resources detected by Wappalyzer

  • Hi! I just created my first website ( Is pretty simple, only 1 url, very little content and not much plugins. Why wappalyzer is detecting 47 different types of resources?

    I see Paypal, a lot of js libraries, lots of fonts, video player, charts… And as far as I know I don’t have these things implemented in my web.

    Please, can you tell me if this is a common thing in Generatepress websites? How can I clean all these things I dont use?

    Thank you so much for your help!

  • Hi there,

    if your Right Click > Inspect the page to open the Borwser Developers tools and check the Network tab you can see what resources are being loaded.

    The home page is showing a total of 31 request:

    GP theme is making its basic requests of: 1 x Stylesheet, 1 x Javascrip.
    GP Premium is making 2 x Stylesheet, 2x Javascript requests for the Smooth Scroll and Off Canvas Menu features.
    GenerateBlocks is making 1 x CSS request for all of its blocks style..

    The remaining 24 requests are:

    Stylesheets from WP and other plugins.
    Javascript from WP and other plugins, including jQuery, and a google tag manager script
    3 x google font variants
    And the rest are the 8 images loading on the page.

  • Hello David,

    Thank you very much for your time and help. That’s what its weird for me, I went to check the loaded resources and I don’t see any trace of what Wappalyzer mentions so I was just checking if any of my web resources were loading other secondary resources that I don’t need in their background.

    I can be sure that this is not happening right? It hasn’t happened to any other Generatepress user?

    Thanks again David!

  • I can be certain that the site only loaded those resources in my browser.
    And theres nothing peculiar with those. And nope, had no other reports like this from other users.

  • Alright! Thank you so much for checking this, have a good day David!

  • No problem, and you too!

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