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Access Theme New Page

  • Hi there,

    I am using the Access theme and I know it is a landing page, but am looking to add a new page specifically a Privacy Policy and Terms of Services but am running into issues. I was able to disable the Header and Content Title, but I have this weird white space at the bottom and top? The page is published so I’m wondering if this is a bug or what?

    Imgur link:

    Two images are linked above, one being the header and the other being the footer.

  • Hi there,

    is it possible to see the site ?

  • dillonloomis13

    The site is not live. It’s still in the build process. Will the formatting change once the site is launched?

  • No. You can set up a staging site to show us the issue first if needed.

  • dillonloomis13

    I’m new to this, I was able to create a staging link but it does not show my home page. Just the coming soon?

    Any other ideas?

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you everyone. Okay I think I am closer to a solution. So now the issue is fixing the navigation on my Privacy Policy and Terms of Service page. Why is it on my home page the header is transparent and when you scroll down the grey comes up, but on the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service page the header items have a grey rectangle around it? I did not launch the site, but got this link. Can you let me know if this works?

    Screenshots as well:

    Thank you!

  • Why is it on my home page the header is transparent and when you scroll down the grey comes up, but on the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service page the header items have a grey rectangle around it?

    You have a header element which enables the merge feature on the front page, you can find the element at appearance > elements > Home Page Header Empty for GB, edit the element, and set the location to entire site instead of front page.

  • Yes, that worked. Thank you! Last thing, do you know how to remove this white at the top? See how my Home Page doesn’t have this?


  • dillonloomis13

    For reference, I just launched the site and here are the live pages:

    I’m also just thinking ahead for future reference: when I want to create some different landing pages, how can I remove this header and have the landing pages have a custom header? Would I need to disable somethings under the “Disable Elements”?

  • the page’s content container is not set to full width, the hero section is using align full option to make it look like full width.

    I would recommend to do this:

    1. Go to appearance > elements, and create a new block element – page hero.

    2. Copy the hero section of the page, and paste it into the new block element.

    3. Select the headline block of title, enable its dynamic data from the editor sidebar, set the content source to title.

    4. Set the element location to the pages > all pages, publish the element.

    5. Remove the section from the 2 pages.

    Let me know if this helps!

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you for that list! I was able to create a new element, but am unsure how to complete step 4 (4. Set the element location to the pages > all pages, publish the element.). At the bottom I see location, but not the option to set as all pages. In that case, will this apply to my home page? If so, I’m worried it will mess up my home page.


    And secondary question, is I launched the site and the navigation is working correctly on desktop meaning when you scroll down it has the correct logo (see imgur link below), but when on mobile it’s still using the old logo. How can this be updated?


    Thank you as always for your help.

  • Hi there,

    I was able to create a new element, but am unsure how to complete step 4 (4. Set the element location to the pages > all pages, publish the element.)

    Select Pages first, then another dropdown menu will appear, which by default is set to All Pages.

    ..but when on mobile it’s still using the old logo. How can this be updated?

    To replace the logo, go to Customize > Layout > Header > Mobile Header –> Logo

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you so much for your help! Two more questions:

    1. Can the header menu on these one off pages contain a different menu? For example this page ( is still linking to sections of my home page. I hope that makes sense.

    2. When editing the backend of my home page, specifically the buttons, when I hover over them in the backend it is showing correctly which should be the text changes to white, but on the live site it changes to a grey? Is this a caching issue? I checked the colors and it’s white…


    And thank you again for your help. If there’s a way I can write a review or anything please send it my way and I’d be happy to fill it out!

  • 1. Not sure what you mean, do you want the menu items to link to the sections on the homepage expect the contact menu item?

    2. Go to customizer > colors > content, remove the link color and link hover color, then go to customizer > colors > body, add link and link hover color there.

  • dillonloomis13

    Thank you bullet point #2 seems to be fixed!

    As for #1, not quite. I want to create a new menu for these new pages, because right now they’re using the same menu as the homepage and the homepage is using HTML ANCHOR’s to link. How can I create a new menu for them? Does that make more sense? Would it need to be per page add the new menu and then disable one of these elements?

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