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Accordion with multiple images in title

  • Hey,

    I have to create an accordion listing like this one:

    So I need to add one or two small images next to the text but within the accordion. The images are different for the different accordion items.

    I tried out creating an accordion with a single item per entry and displaying the images next to the title or above or beneath it. Yes it works, but it looks horrible. If the pictures are above or beneath, the look out of place and if it is next to the title, the whole accordion block, also opened, is losing width space. And as some entry have no, one or two pictures and with different width, the accordions are all looking differently. It is simply not a desirable solution

    So, is there same way to inlcude the images directly in the accordion title?

  • Hi there,

    in the Accordion Blocks settings you can set the ACCORDION TITLE TYPE to CONTAINER
    This gives you a Container Block to add whatever content you want in the title block.

    Please note that you will need to repair the toggle icons, see my reply here for that:

  • Thanks a lot David, that was exactly what I searched for!!! Works perfectly (besides the opening symbol, but for this you also provided a solution :))

  • Glad to be of help!

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