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Accordions on mobile – Bug when refresh

  • Hello Generate team,

    I’ve been working on the new layout of my site and for better user experience I’ve used accordions.

    However, I’ve realised a visual bug on mobile with accordions:
    Each time I open accordions and I refresh the page on mobile, it seems like the cache keeps the accordion open but technically it’s closed, this creates a visual bug. I’ve tried this on my phone and on computer with Inspect DevTools.
    Please see the images below:

    This is how it should look like when I click on the accordion:
    This when I open an accordion and refresh (accordion closed) :
    This when I open an accordion and refresh and click again on the accordion to open it:

    Is there a way around this?

    Thank you,

    Have a good day,

  • Hi there,

    the site is running some Javascript that injects adverts into the page.
    And it is also injecting inline CSS:

    style="overflow: visible !important;"

    to every div element on the page.
    You can see it littered throughout the pages HTML in the developers tools – see here:

    And that CSS is inline with !important making it nearly impossible to override.
    You need to speak to the advert provider about how to stop their script from doing this.

  • Hello David,

    Thank you so much! I removed the script from the advertiser and now it’s working perfectly 😁
    I’ll contact the advertiser and see with them.

    Have a great day

  • Glad to be of help

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