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Add aria-label to query

  • usethebitcoin

    Hi there,

    I wanted to ask if it is possible to add some aria-label for a query result? like get the blog article title post and use that as aria-label. In our homepage we are showing categories by using query, then I want to add aria-label for each query showing by getting the title of the article as aria-label.

    Thank you.

  • Hi there,

    In our homepage we are showing categories by using query, then I want to add aria-label for each query showing by getting the title of the article as aria-label.

    When you say query, do you mean GB’s query loop block?

    Can I see the categories on your homepage?

  • usethebitcoin

    Hi Ying,

    Yes GB query.

    This is how I called the gategories in our homepage.

  • then I want to add aria-label for each query showing by getting the title of the article as aria-label.

    Do you mean add an aria-label to each post in the query loop? Or to the query loop?

  • usethebitcoin

    To add aria-label to each post in the query loop. Like getting all the titles and placing them as an aria-label on each article.

  • Why would you want to do that? The title has descriptive text, an element like that does not require an aria-label, and if the aria-label is the same as the title, the text will be doubled, I don’t think it’s good for SEO as well.

    But if you really want to do that, try this method:

    1. Add this PHP code:

    add_filter( 'render_block_generateblocks/container', function( $block_content, $block ) {
        if ( 
          !is_admin() && 
          ! empty( $block['attrs']['className'] ) && 
          strpos( $block['attrs']['className'], 'my-query' ) !== false 
        ) {
          $post_id = get_the_ID();
          $title = get_the_title( $post_id );
    	  $block_content = str_replace('class', 'aria-label="'. $title .'" class' ,$block_content);
        return $block_content;
     }, 10, 2 );

    2. Add class my-query to the post template container of the query loop block.

  • usethebitcoin

    Thank you Ying,

    I am solving some SEO issues, but this was already solved, but maybe in the future I will be needing this.

    Thank you very much.

  • No Problem 🙂

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