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Ads.txt not found?

  • juliehonabarger

    Hi there! I am working to get my site approved by adsense. It has been rejected a few times, now. I’m working to figure out what the problems might be. I simply get the notification that my site “needs attention” with no specific reason why.

    I also have a note on sitekit that says the ads.txt is not found.

    Are you able to help me place the ads.txt? I’m not even sure what that is.

    Also, I understand you may not be able to give guidance on this, but if you are able, would it be possible to look at my site and see if there are any glaring issues that might be causing the difficulties in getting my site approved by adsense? I’m lost here.

    Thanks so much!

  • Hi there,

    I am not sure what the ads.txt is …
    I checked the site, I can see the appropriate AdScripts on the sites <head>
    And there are no console errors relating to this scripts, so it looks like they should be working.
    I also see a ad script below the main content on the site.

    So it may be correct and ready to go , and you just have to wait for Google to do its job.

    That unfortunately is as much I can say, might be worth asking in the google ads communities

  • juliehonabarger

    Hey, that’s about all I can do! I really appreciate you having a look. So from your standpoint and from what you can see, the technical side looks ok? I’m thinking the issue just has to do with creating more content and getting more traffic to be approved. But at least from the technical side, things look ok to you?

  • On a technical side, thats correct, I can see the kind of scripts I would expect to see in the site. There are no errors that would stop those scripts from working.

    In these circumstances its generally just a matter of time for Google to crawl the site for it to start serving adverts.

    If nothing happens with 48hrs then I would suggest reaching out to Site Kit support or the Google ad forums

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