Hi. 🙂
I was looking for an dynamic link where I can use the
, but it seems to not work well in some cases.
I was testing around a lot of options and maybe i missed something or there is a little bug.
But step by step..What I´ve done is a setup of a full working author-box and some dynamic data like name, profile image and description. So far so good. Now I want to link the image and the name of the author to the custom url from profile. But there my problem starts.
First thing I´ve realised is that there are 2 options to use dynamic data. One directly at the block (toolbar) itself and one on the settings sidebar. The first question I have is, why isn’t the data reflected in the toolbar, when I setup things in the sidebar (and vice versa) or are these options totally different?
Next thing is, while I can select a lot more options (like spurce and link) in sidebar, some options seem to be missing in the toolbar. For the headline-blocks itself the most options with dyn. data are available and working well. For the image-block I just can use the sidebar options and for containers, I just can select (at toolbar) dynamic link with post and post meta, but nothing like author options. But I still can use the sidebar options fully, but it´not worling for me. That seems confusing to me because most of whished options are available at the sidebar options in link source for example.
The main problem and maybe bug is the following:
Gladly I found the video from this ticket and tested the button before writing here. While I achieved a working version with a button-block and my whished user_url link in it, the exactly same setup seems not working for headline-block, image-block and container-block. So if I do my setup, nothing is shown in frontend.
So my main-question is: How can I use a dynamic link with authors meta like
in headline-block, image-block and container-block?Can you have a look at this, and maybe push me in the right direction, if I´ve overseen something important here?
This would be great. Thanks in advanced.
Maik -
Hi there,
The dynamic data options in the toolbar are from GP premium, it’s only available in GP’s elements.
The dynamic data options in the sidebar are from the GenerateBlocks plugin, it’s available in GP’s elements and regular post/page editors.
In WordPress, the
is not stored as user meta. When you access the website field of a user’s profile, you are interacting directly with user data and not using user meta functions.As it’s not pre-defined in GB’s dynamic data function, so it will not pull any data by using author meta >
.It’s pre-defined in GP’s dynamic data, you can use GP’s option to pull it for now. But the author meta option is not available for all GB blocks, you will need to write a custom function to swap the headline link.
If you can provide more info about it, we can help with the custom functions.
Let me know 🙂
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