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Block Pattern in Generate Press missing title

  • I need to update (edit) a title in a Block Pattern and the title does not appear when I open it. It must be a setting because on my other websites I can see the title and change it; however, I cannot find this setting anywhere. Please advise.

    Thank you!

  • Hi there,

    I don’t think there’s a setting to change the pattern name.

    A workaround is to export the pattern as a JSON file, you can change the title in the JSON file, then import the changed file.

  • I can easily change it on my other sites when I hit the edit why would that not be available on all sites. In fact, I have numerous sites and I can edit the title in all but one.

  • Are those sites using the new GB pattern library?

  • they are all using the same GB block pattern and yes I keep them updated

  • Hi there,

    It’s possible that the pattern is unsynced. You can identify if it’s a synced pattern by the pattern symbol, which looks like a purple diamond. Is this the case with your pattern?

  • yes the pattern is unsynced intentionally – the same as on all my other sites where I can change the title in the block

    However, this has nothing to do with the issue – on all my sites except the one I can change the title of the block whether the pattern is synced or unsynced

  • Just so you know, the new GB pattern is the WP core pattern, WP does not have the option to edit the pattern name, unless you are in the site editor which is a block theme feature (GP is a PHP theme).

    Please refer to this topic, and WP said they will be fixing this issue in WP 6.6:,be%20able%20to%20rename%20it.

  • I may be calling it the wrong thing; however, what I am trying to do can be done on all my sites but one and I am doing the exact same thing. Might Leo be able to log into my dashboard and check to see the issue? I also have a date issue that needs to be checked and it could be done at the same time (I would provide the details.)
    Thank you

  • Might Leo be able to log into my dashboard and check to see the issue?

    We don’t store users’ site info.

    Can you provide 2 sites admin login so we can compare?

    I also have a date issue that needs to be checked and it could be done at the same time (I would provide the details.)

    Please open a new topic for non-related questions. Thanks!

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