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Blog archive page customisations

  • Hello,

    I’m using a content template for my Blog archive page and I’m nearly finished with it. I just have a couple of final questions:

    1. How can I make the page title at the top of the page visible?
    2. There’s a padding-bottom: 100px; added after every post, how can I remove this? Please refer to screenshot 1 for clarification.
    3. How can I stretch the post image in height so it fills up the full height of the parent container? Please refer to screenshot 2 for clarification.

  • Hi there,

    1. Blog page does not have a page title by default, if you want one, you can use a block element – page hero to add it.

    2. Go to customize > layout > container > content padding, you can adjust the paddings there. But the setting is global, it will be applied to the single posts’ and single pages’ content container as well. If you just want to remove it for blog and archives, then try this CSS:

    .one-container.archive .post:not(:last-child):not(.is-loop-template-item), .post:not(:last-child):not(.is-loop-template-item) {
        padding-bottom: 0;

    3. The layout you want is easier with background image instead of image block. If you prefer image block, then CSS will be required.

    Let me know if you want to use CSS.

  • Hello,

    1 and 2 is fixed now thank you, for 3. could you provide me the CSS please? (the height of the post image should stretch to the same height as the container with the post content on the right 271px)

  • 1. Give the image block an additional CSS class, eg. full-height-image.

    2. Set the image block’s height to 100%.

    3. Add this CSS:

    .gb-block-image:has(.full-height-img) {
        height: 100%;
  • I’ve went through all the steps but for some reason the height is still not 100%. Could you have a look?

  • I don’t see it in the customizer > additional CSS or your child theme’s style.css file.
    Where did you add the CSS?

  • I’ve added the custom CSS using the Simple Custom CSS and JS plugin. If you navigate to “Custom CSS & JS” in the left dashboard panel, you’ll find the CSS file there.

  • Can you try adding the code in the Additional CSS field of the customizer first?

  • I did but still same result. Could you review the code please?

  • Hi there,

    I see the image height is correct now. Have you managed to resolve it? I’m not sure if this is the correct page, but you’ve set your blog archive page to /news instead of /blog and I viewed it there.

  • Correct, the blog archive page is /news on my website. I do have one more question. There is a white space below the content on the right side next to the featured image. How can I remove this empty white space? Please refer to screenshot 3 for reference.

  • i don’t see the issues described in screenshot 1 and 2.

    For the issue on screenshot 3, you can clearly see that it’s the padding of the right container, if you want to remove that, just delete the left padding.

  • Hello,

    I’ve fixed everything. Thank you.

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