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Blog Comments to Line Up to Inner Container

  • Hi

    Is there any way to “containerize” the comments field on blog posts?

    I use a full-width outer container which I use for images and headlines which go right across the page with a coloured background. I use an 800px inner container to which I line up my blog post text

    The comments section lines up to the outer container and there is no space between the outer margin and the start of the text and it doesn’t look quite right

    If I put some padding into the outer container (which does work) then I effectively lose the full width outer container

    Ideally I would like the comments section to line up against the inner container (I see the same thing for a blog posts meta data as well)

  • Hi Andy,

    The comments area should inherently be built that way. See:

    How exactly would you like it to look like? Can you share a link to a post on your site?

  • Something like the link below

    But I can only achieve that by adding some padding to the outer container, which stops the coloured banner at the top going full width across the screen

    If I do it the other way round and take away the padding I get the full width banner but the comments line up right against the left hand side which doesn’t look right

    It is purely cosmetic so don’t worry too much but thought there might be an easy answer

  • Can you share a link to a post on your site? I’ll see if it’s possible.

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